Tuesday 20 November 2012

Kgalagadi: September 2009 (Part 7)

We woke up to what was promising to be a beautiful sunrise in the Nossob river valley. We had an early coffee and struck out north towards the furthest ends of the Park. The plan was to head out towards Polentswa and make jaffels at Lijersdraai picnic spot.

The sunrise was in fact glorious...

We reached Cubitje Quap waterhole. This is a popular hunting spot for raptors like the speedy Lanner Falcons. Flocks of doves and sandgrouse frequent the waterhole in the morning hours.

We looked the other way from the waterhole - and lo and behold there was a Lanner Falcon with a fresh kill, a laughing dove. What a wonderful sighting!

Unfortunately for us, the road further north was very quiet except for these Bat-Eared Foxes.

After our jaffel-lunch we went a bit further north to the Kannaguas waterhole, where some thirsty Blue Wildebeest were milling about.

We turned around to go and have a nap before our afternoon drive (at this point it was a 60km drive back to camp). We saw a Secretary Bird on the way home...

Back at Cubitje Quap there were some Bateleur eagles taking a noon bath.

Upon completing our afternoon nap and swim we headed out to Marie-se-draai again. It pains me to say that it was another very quiet afternoon...but then again just being in the wide open spaces of the Kalahari is a privilege on its own...

This would be our last night in Nossob...on the following day we would head back to the Auob river for one night in Mata-Mata and our last night in Urikaruus Wilderness Camp.

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