Sunday 4 November 2012

Kgalagadi: September 2009 (Part 3)

Last time I left you as we were crossing the upper dune road to get back to the Auob riverbed.

We came across this young Gemsbok (Oryx) on the dunes...

Once we reached the Auob river, we turned north as we still had a ways to go before we reached our camp for the night. There were some giraffes on a ridge...

This herd of Blue Wildebeest were moving towards the nearest waterhole.

Just past the Urikaruus Wilderness Camp turn-off, I spotted something in a tree. We had to stop and reverse to have another look - often it's just the shape of a branch or a weird play of light - but not this time...African Wild Cat!!

This was my first sighting of this elusive cat in many years of regular safaris to the denser bushveld/lowveld area of South Africa (read: Kruger National Park).

Only a few hundred meters on we found a Spotted Hyena den close to the road - and the cubs were out in force...

The adults also went about with some funny business!

Time was starting to tick over so we had to leave the den site and push on. We didn't have to go far...just past the 13th Borehole we came across 3 cheetahs lazing about...and decided to stick around some...

But this is a tale for the next episode...

(hey, I've got to keep the suspense going)

Morkel Erasmus


  1. Wow nice images especially the African wildcat whixh I have sighted almost every time I visit this park

  2. Thanks! Yes, you see them quite often there, it's a real treat.
