Thursday 3 December 2009

Guest Blog Post: Photo-Africa

Good morning everyone!

Gerry van der Walt from the Photo-Africa blog (check out my links) was kind enough to invite me to be a guest photographer on his website. I wrote a guest blog post on my HDR processing, basically a synopsis of what I've already shared here on SAFFAscapes, but also with a few more interesting photos and processing tips attached.

Would love for you to check it out - Gerry's got a great blog going there (I've still got a lot to learn!).

Enjoy the rest of the week...

I've got big things lined up...will keep you in the loop.

God bless

Morkel Erasmus


  1. Hi Morkel, great blog and photography! I saw your B&W version of "Loneliness" on Earth Shots today. Just wondering if I could get a full-res version so I could use as my wallpaper. Let me know, and keep up the fantastic work. Africa looks like a enchanting place!

  2. Hi Anf! Thanks for your comments...Send me an email and let's discuss.
