
Monday 27 January 2014

Looking Back

Looking back...

As a photographer it's always nice to look back and see how you've grown in your craft. As a wildlife photographer, it's also nice to see how you've grown in your understanding, appreciation and interpretation of the wonders that nature throws at you. For me, this has culminated in an annual "best of" post on my blog at the end of a calendar year. Yesterday, I looked through my "best of" collections since 2010 and enjoyed seeing how I've grown in my craft, and also loved remembering all those moments in the wild so vividly. If our photography does nothing else, it should at least transport us back to a moment in time, and make us relive it for a brief interlude. Below, you can see all my annual reflections since 2010. I'd love to know what you think about how my own style and interpretation has developed over these short few years that I've been enveloped by this passion and artform.


#wildlifephotography #throwback #yearinreview #growth

Morkel Erasmus

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