
Monday 11 November 2013

Excited Elephant

Well, to call this elephant "excited" would be to apply gross euphemism to the situation. This cow was AN-GHU-RYYYY...and we were just standing in the road minding our own business. My wife and I were taking a leisurely afternoon drive close to Punda Maria in the Kruger National Park, when this herd of elephants appeared from the bushes next to the road, and the matriarch gave us a piece of her ear, I mean mind.

Whenever you do find yourself up close and personal with a breeding her of African Elephants - give them space...they are extremely protective of their young ones!

Nikon D7000
Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 VR-II @ 110mm

f4.0  |  1/400 SS  |  ISO-800

click on the photo to view it properly
Keep it real!

Morkel Erasmus


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