
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Kruger: December 2009 (Part 4)

We carried on and turned off on the Red Rocks loop. Shortly after turning onto this dirt road, we were rewarded with a lovely sighting of 2 rare and shy Sharpe's Grysbok in the process of courtship!

They suddenly became edgy and froze. I could hear the alarm call of vervet monkeys down in the riverbed behind them. I was sure there was a leopard walking down there, but there just wasn't anywhere in the vicinity where I could get a view down into the riverbed!! Aaarg!

A bateleur shaking off his spiderwebs...

We also found a troop of Chacma Baboons who had a bunch of rowdy young folks...

As we came to a viewing point over the river, we had a special sighting of a small member of the animal kingdom often overlooked. A female Tree Squirrel was carrying her baby in her mouth over a thick branch at a precarious height. I'd never seen this before, check it out!

We stopped for a leg-stretch at a lovely viewing point...

As we headed back to camp slowly along the Red Rocks loop, we saw this cute little Terrapin... well as a Hamerkop...

However, the highlight of the drive was this big Elephant bull, wallowing in the late morning sun like a fat piggy!

We got back to Shingwedzi and proceeded to have a late brunch and a well-deserved early afternoon nap (after getting up at 04h00 every morning!). be continued...

Morkel Erasmus

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