
Saturday 15 September 2012

Published in the Daily Mail Online (UK)

I was pleased yesterday to see a story being run in the Daily Mail Online (UK Newspaper) about a morning I spent (along with Marlon du Toit of course) photographing the iconic elephants of Mana Pools.

I was particularly pleased that they included a bit about the current threat of mining exploration to the area, even if it's just a mention of it. I specifically requested this be included because I would hate for these images to get exposure just for my own personal gain - this area is so special to me I want to be able to use my images to raise awareness of its fragility and the threats it faces.

You can read the article and view the accompanying images

To learn more about the issues concerning Mana Pools, a UNESCO World Heritage site, link up with the Save Mana Pools Facebook Page (

Thanks for reading this blog!! I appreciate every view, click and comment.


Morkel Erasmus

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