
Monday 16 May 2011

PhotoShare: Another one bites the dust!

Hi everyone!! So I am back from an amazing trip to Botswana...with so many photos to work through I don't even know where to start...

Here is a quick one from our first morning on safari. This was the first time in my life I had witnessed this kind of behaviour, which is called "geophagia" (definition thanks to my friend Grant Atkinson, an amazingly talented photographic safari guide in Botswana). This Plains Zebra (Burchell's Zebra) was biting chunks off a termite mound in order to supplement her diet with specific nutrients.

I am in the process of doing a full trip report so hang in there!!

f5.6  |  1/2000 SS  |  ISO-800

Morkel Erasmus


  1. Interesting behaviour. Never seen anything like that before. Looking forward to see what else you got! I head out to the Masai Mara in two weeks. Can't wait to get out shooting again.

  2. thanks Mike! Enjoy your trip, I still need to visit that legendary place...
