
Sunday 24 October 2010

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2010

Hi everyone!!

I am back from a short trip to the Kalahari during which I had some amazing sightings, amongst others my first caracal in the wild...but more on that later as I start to work through the photos.

I have the immense honour to have a photo among the winning images in this year's BBC Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition! A photo I took last year in the Kalahari of a lone blue wildebeest on a dune against a dramatic backdrop of cirrus clouds has been "Highly Commended" in the "Nature in Black and White" category.

This achievement evokes in me a plethora of emotions. It is humbling to be included among such amazing examples of photographic art whilst still being relatively new to nature photography, and it is overwhelming to know that I am able to take photos that are able to compete on such a stage.

You can check out my image here (and please also take some time to work through the other winning galleries and check out the inspiring photos on display):

I've seen a few more people have started subscribing to this blog - and for this I am very thankful! Please let me know what you think of the content I publish here by posting comments on the them (I moderate these comments just to prevent spambots).

Until next time!

Morkel Erasmus


  1. Morkel, baie geluk meneer!

    I bought my first DSLR quite recently and I am constantly amazed about how much fun photography can be. It is a constant learning process for me!

    I often visit your blog, and appreciate the fact that you not only post a photo with a quick caption, but actually take the time to share some of your experiences and opinions (eg "Seeing the bigger picture" and "Obsession with eye contact").

    Something else I would like to see is some background on how the shots were taken. Not necessarily the technicals, but describing how you had to move around to improve the composition. Or for example how you deal with the fact that there are locations where you can get out of your vehicle.

    As a beginner photographer it would be great to be able to see the approach others take when they are out in the field.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Appreciate the comment and compliments Chris! I will definitely try and take your suggestions to heart and give more info in that regard. Glad you like the blog!

  3. Congratulations Morkel,
    I visited the Wildlife Photographer of the Year site and was very excited to see your name and image posted there!
    What an honor and accomplishment!

    All the best,

  4. Congrats Morkel, fantastic image!

  5. Hello Dude,

    Wildlife photography is regarded as being one of the more challenging forms of photography.Nice post.I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts. Thanks for this information .I really appreciate your work, keep it up.

  6. thanks a lot guys, appreciate the kind words!
